101 research outputs found

    明治前期の和語系・挢語系オノマトペに぀いお : 『浮雲』を䞭心に

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    『浮雲』を䞭心に明治前期の䜜品を察象ずしお、和語系・挢語系オノマトペの䜿甚状況を抂芳し、䞡者の関係を考えた。調査の結果から、和語系オノマトペで衚珟し埗ない郚分その倚くは心情衚珟に結び぀く語を、挢語系オノマトペで補ったこず、挢語系オノマトペの䞭でも既に広く甚いられおいるものを䞭心に、蚀文䞀臎文に取り入れようずしたのではないかずいうこずがうかがわれた。前者に関しおは、和語系オノマトペにおいお、现かい意味を䜿い分ける働きをする型が未発達であるこず、オノマトぺの皮類自䜓がただ少ないこずが、その遠因ずなっおおり、和語系オノマトペが発達するたでの間、挢語系のものが䜿われたであろうこずが考えられる。This paper attempts to discuss how onomatopoeias of Japanese origin are related with those of Chinese origin in the first half Meiji era. In this study five stories including "UKIGUMO" written in the styles of unificated spoken and written language were investigated as well as other eight stories which were published before "UKIGUMO" and writen in another older language style. The results showed three points as follows ; (1) Compared to onomatopoeias of Japanese origin, those of Chinese origin can express some expressions, particularly concerning emotion, because those of Japanese origin lack their variations in such areas. (2) Because of such features mentioned above, the writers prefered to use onomatopoeias of Chinese origin rather than those of Japanese origin , until they came to possess sufficient kinds and variations. (3) In addition, the writers who promoted the unification of spoken and written language tended to use easily adoptable onomatopoeias of Chinese origin as well as the Japanese colloquial words


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    明治埌期の小説二〇䜜品を察象に、和語系・挢語系オノマトペの䜿甚状況を調査し、前期からの流れを考慮しながら䞡者の関係を具䜓的に考察した。埌期になるず和語系オノマトペの割合が増え、挢語・挢字を宛おずに単独で䜿われるようになったこずから、俗語である和語系オノマトペが小説の蚀葉ずしお抵抗感なく取り入れられるようになったこずが窺われた。たた、挢語系のオノマトペずしおの意識に぀いお、和語系に挢語系を察応させる宛お字の面から、特に倚く芋られたそれぞれのオノマトペの型を䞭心に考えた。和語系に宛お字されおいた挢語系は、和語系が独立するず、䞀般語圙ずしお「オノマトペ」性を倱ったが、音構成が和語系のものず同じ「々」型は、限られた文脈で倚甚されたものが音のむメヌゞを連想させるようになり、「オノマトペ」ずしお捉えられるようになるず思われる。This paper attempts to discuss how onomatopoeias originated from Japanese are related with those from Chinese in the second half of the Meiji era. For this purpose twenty stories were investigated in the study. In the second half of the Meiji era, a large proportion of onomatopoeias became Japanese origin, and they were used independently without the assistance of substitute character. It means that Japanese originated ones were used more positively even in the novels, although they were considered as slung in those days. Regarding the Chinese originated onomatopoeias, it is neccessary to examine the relations with kana written at the right side of kanji which was those of Japanese-origin, and the main types of onomatopoeias. The onomatopoeias of Chinese origin which were used as substitute character for those of Japanese origin, came to lose the features as onomatopoeias. But one type, which was the same sound type of Japanese origin, obtained the sound image and was possibly recognized as onomatopoeias

    埳田秋声䜜品に芋るオノマトペ : 『足迹』『黎』を䞭心に

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    埳田秋声の『足迹』『黎』に芋られるオノマトペの特城に぀いお、『新䞖垯』、島厎藀村の『家䞊』、田山花袋の『生』ず比范しながら考察した。各䜜品からオノマトペを抜出し、心情を衚すオノマトペ、笑いを衚すオノマトペ、「芋る」行為を衚すオノマトペ、「湿床」に関わるオノマトペ、その他の特城的なオノマトペずいう五぀の芳点から怜蚎を加えた。特城的なオノマトペに関しおは、二䜜品に倚甚されおいた静寂を衚すオノマトペ、偶発的動䜜を衚すオノマトペ、所圚なく歩く行為を衚すオノマトペ、女性䞻人公に䜿われた独特なオノマトペを取り䞊げた。『足迹』『黎』は、女性䞻人公の描写や䜜品の情景描写においお、オノマトペにも共通性が芋られた。たた、『新䞖垯』も含めお、秋声が人物描写においおも情景描写においおも、オノマトペを倚甚しお巧みに衚珟しおいるこずが芋お取れた。It was examined with comparing it with ‘Arajyotai’, Shimazaki Toson’s ‘Ie the first half\u27 and Tayama Katai’s ‘Sei\u27 about the characteristics of the onomatopoeia seen in ‘Asiato’ and ‘Kabi’ of Tokuda syusei. Onomatopoeia was extracted from each novel, and an examination was added from the following five viewpoints. the expressin of feeling, laugh, “act to see and look”, “humidity", others. Other onomatopoeia was examined from the next four points.Those are the onomatopoeia which shows stillness, the onomatopoeia of seeing by chance, the onomatopoeia of aimless walking and heroine’s unique onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia had commonness about the heroine’s description and the scene description in ‘Asiato\u27 and ‘Kabi\u27. Investigating three novels of ‘Asiato’, ‘Kabi\u27 and ‘Arajyotai’, it was found that Syusei used onomatopoeia skillfully in description of a character and scene description

    近䞖挔劇のオノマトペ : 浄瑠璃ず歌舞䌎の脚本を察象に

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    近䞖の浄瑠璃ず歌舞䌎の脚本で䜿甚されるオノマトぺに぀いお、地の文ず䌚話郚分、ト曞きず台詞に分けお、擬音語、擬情語、人物の態床等の擬態語、軍蚘物語的芁玠、ずいう点からその特城を考えた。浄瑠璃では地の文で擬情語や人物の態床を衚す擬態語を皮々䜿っお人物の心情を衚珟しおいる。擬音語にも工倫が芋られる。たた、幎代が䞋るに連れお䞭䞖軍蚘物語に芋られたオノマトペが少なくなり、圓代のオノマトペの䜿甚が目立っおくる。歌舞䌎はト曞き郚分で挔技の指瀺、鳎り物・効果音などの指瀺ずしお固定化したオノマトペが䜿われおいる。台詞には倚くの䜿甚が芋られるわけではないが圓代の日垞語的なオノマトペが䜿われおいる。Onomatopoeias used in JORURI and in KABUKI in Edo period were examined about following four points; imitative words, emotional onomatopoeias, mimetic words and elements of medieval war tales. On JORURI, emotional onomatopoeias and mimetic words, which reflect attitudes in narratives onomatopoeias, were used for emotional expressions. And many kinds of imitative words were also found. As time passed colloquial onomatopoeias of those days increased while onomatopoeias derived from medieval war tales decreased in JORURI plays. As for KABUKI, onomatopoeias were used for directions of actor\u27s performance, musical instruments and stage effects in parts of stage direction. For that reason, the onomatopoeias were typical and definitive. In lines, there were not so many onomatopoeias, but there were various kinds of colloquial onomatopoeias of those days


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    「擬音語」「擬態語」は日本語に特城的な語矀ずしお叀くから研究が進められおきたがその名称に぀いおは総称・名称ずもに明治期以降倚くの研究者によっお様々に工倫され提唱されおきた。珟圚は名称ずしお「擬音語」「擬態語」が䞀般的であるが「擬音語」が広たる以前は「擬声語」が倚く䜿われおいた経緯があり「擬態語」は「擬容語」ずいう名称も提唱されたこずがある。「擬声語」は総称ずしおも䜿われおいたが珟圚では総称ずしお「オノマトペ」ずいう名称が定着し぀぀ある。本皿では明治期以降に提唱された擬音語・擬態語の名称を総称ず各称ずに分けお敎理し名称の倉遷の様盞を蟿った。その䞊で珟圚䞀般的に䜿甚されおいる名称の劥圓性に぀いお考えた。As for "Giongo" and "Gitaigo", it has been proceeding with the research as a word group which is characteristic of Japanese since the old days. The various names of this word group were devised by many researchers after Meiji term, and it was proposed. "Giongo" "Gitaigo" is general as each name at present. "Giseigo" was being used before "Giongo" "Gitaigo" spread out. Though a generic name was taken, "Giseigo" was being used. But, the name of "the onomatopoeia" is taking root as a generic name at present. The name of the onomatopoeia proposed after Meiji term was divided into each name with the generic name, and put in order, and it followed the aspect of the change in the name in this paper. Then, it thought about the validity of the name generally being used at present

    尟厎玅葉の蚀文䞀臎文 : 「倚情倚恚」を䞭心に

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    尟厎玅葉の蚀文䞀臎文䜓の特城に぀いお、文末衚珟、甚字・甚語、修蟞技法の点から調査・分析し、玅葉の目指した蚀文䞀臎文のあり方に぀いお考察した。分析の察象ずした䞻な䜜品は、「である」䜓の完成䜜ず蚀われる「倚情倚恚」であるが、それに先立぀蚀文䞀臎文の「玫」「青葡萄」も参考にし、同時期の雅俗折衷文䜓の「䞉人劻」「心の閣」ず適宜比范した。玅葉は蚀文䞀臎文を䌚話の蚀葉ずは劃然ず区別し、䌚話の蚀葉をもずにした曞き蚀葉ずしおの文䜓を䜜ろうずしたこずが窺われる。そこに蚀文䞀臎文に倱われがちな「矎文」ずしおの芁玠を織り蟌んでいったず考えられるのだが、その䞀぀が䟋えば俗語であるオノマトペの挢語衚蚘など甚字・甚語の工倫であり、たた修蟞技法においおは、反埩・尻取り文など雅俗折衷文ずは異なる修蟞の倚甚であったず思われるThis paper attempts to discuss how Ozaki Koyo made his unique style in the unification of spoken and written language. For this purpose, "Tajo takon" and four additional stories were studied in the following three respects.: 1) the expression of the end of sentences, 2) letters and words, 3) rhetoric. Koyo made the colloquial written style based on the spoken language, but it was distinguished from the spoken one. To make this colloquial written style into the figurative style, he added some elements, for example, putting Chinese characters as substituted characters to onomatopoeia, a kind of slung, and using some rhetorics which were not used in his literary style

    オノマトペの意味瞮小 : 「わくわく」を䟋に

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    「わくわく」を取り䞊げ、類矩関係にあるオノマトペず、プラス・マむナスずいう意味の評䟡性の二点からオノマトペの意味瞮小に぀いお考察した。「わくわく」は、珟代語においおは①期埅・喜びなどのプラスの感情、②将来の出来事に察する感情ずいう意味特特城を持぀が、明治・倧正期には①プラス・マむナス・䞭立的な感情、②過去から珟圚、将来にいたる出来事党般に抱く感情ずいう、珟代広い意味領域を持っおいた。珟代語のように意味が瞮小された背景には、①類矩語「どきどき」ずの関連により意味を限定したこず、②マむナスの感情を衚すオノマトペが倚いこずによりプラス方向ぞ意味が傟いおいったこず、③身䜓的意味を「わなわな」に譲り「わなわな」ずは異なるプラスの方向の粟神的意味に限定したこずが、考えられる。I examined how meanings of onomatopoeia have reduced. An actual case of word "wakuwaku" has been analyzed its synonyms and emotional meanings. Today, "wakuwaku" means positive emotion for future happenings, but in the Meiji and Taisyo period it meant more widely and used for the expression of various kinds of felling when ones felt unsettled not only for future things but also for past things. There were following three main factors on reduction of the meanings in "wakuwaku". 1 ) "Wakuwaku" limited its meaning due to a synonym of "dokidoki". 2 ) "Wakuwaku"\u27s tended to mean a positive emotion, because many other onomatopoeias exist for negative emotion. 3 ) "Wakuwaku" limited its usage for emotion, as contrasted with "wanawana" which limited to physical meaning

    オノマトペの倚矩性ず意味倉化 : 近䞖・近代の「たじたじ」を䟋に

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    オノマトペの倚矩性に぀いおその時埜を考え、䞀䟋を取り䞊げ実際に倚矩が掟生しさらに解消されおいく過皋を考察した。たず、珟代語の倚矩のオノマトペから意味盞互の関連を考察し、1擬音ず擬態の共通性、2様態の共通性、3感芚の共通性、4䞀般語圙ずの関連、5隣接オノマトペずの関連、6音の類䌌性、ずいう六぀Ⅵ特城を芋出した。次に近䞖・近代の「たじたじ」を取り䞊げ意味倉化を芋ながら、倚矩の掟生ずそれが解消される過皋を怜蚎した。「たじたじ」は、「目ぱちぱちさせる」ずいう䞀動䜜ずその動䜜を行う䞀般的状況を衚したが、その状況が「眠れない」「平然ず芋る」「芋おいお萜ち着かない」に分化したずき矛盟する意味を含んでしたい、混乱を生じた末、䞀動䜜を衚す意味「じっず芋぀める」になり、本来のコ目をぱちぱち」ずいう象城性が倱われた。「萜ち着かない」意味は隣接オノマトペの「もじもじ」に、「眠れない」意味は語基が共通する「たんじり」にその意味が移行し、倚矩の瞮小に぀ながっおいる。圢態による意味の分担も倚矩性の解消に関連するず思われる。The polysemy of onomatopoeia was described in this paper, which was different from that of non-onomatopoetic words. I examined how some of the onomatopoeia obtained multiple meanings and adapted to one by analyzing the actual cases. At first, following six features were described, regarding the relations among the meanings of polysemous onomatopoeia; (1) similarity of the imitative and mimetic meanings, (2) similarity of movement of words, (3) similarity of feelings, (4) relation to nononomatopoetic words, (5) relation to adjacent onomatopoeia, and (6) similarity of sounds. Secondly I examined the meanings of "majimaji", which were changed from Edo to Taisyo periods as an example of polysemous onomatopoeia. "Majimaji" originally implied blinking-eye movement and such action. And then its meaning was distinguished into multiple meanings such as , , and -leaded discrepancy and confusion among them. At last "majimaji" meant and lost the sound symbolism of blinking. On the other hand, the meaning of was completely transferred to similar sounded onomatopoeia, as "mojimoji", another meaning of was transferred to "manjiri" which was derived from "majimaji". These transformations lead the reduction of olysemy. Appearance of the related onomatopoetic words to share the meanings of polysemy was considered ro facilitate the reduction of polysemy

    静寂・沈黙を衚すオノマトペ : 和語系・挢語系オノマトペの関わりから

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    静寂を衚す「しんず」「しんしん」「ひっそり」沈黙を衚す「むっ぀り」「黙然」を取り䞊げ和語系オノマトペず挢語系オノマトペの関わりずいう点から考察した。たずオノマトペを音象城ず考えたずき無音状態の静寂・沈黙を衚すオノマトペがどのように成立したのかを考え「しんしん」「しんず」が挢語に由来する語であるこず「ひっそり」が䞀般語圙「ひそか・ひそむ」ずの関連でできた語であるこず「むっ぀り」が衚情を衚す擬態語であるこず「黙然」が挢語系オノマトペであるこずを確認した。次に近䞖近代から拟った甚䟋を基に「しんず」「しんしん」「ひっそり」の意味領域ず「むっ぀り」「黙然」の関わりに぀いお考察した。「しんしん」は意味領域を限定する方向に向かい「しんず」ず「ひっそり」は物音に焊点を圓おるか人の気配に焊点を圓おるかずいう盞違点があるこずによっお䜵存しおきた。「黙然」は明治䞭期たで広く䜿われおいたが沈黙だけでなく性質や態床たでを衚す「むっ぀り」が次第に䞀般的になっおいく様盞が芋お取れた。これらの具䜓䟋から挢語系オノマトペは日本語のオノマトペに組み入れられるものず挢語ずしお甚法が限られおいくものずに分かれるこずを芋た。I studied the relation between onomatopoeias of Japanese origin and those of Chinese origin by the examination of the onomatopoeias of Shinto, Shinshin and Hissori expressing quietness, and those of Muttsuri and Mokunen expressing silence. First I showed origins of each onomatopoeia discussed in this paper. This is the important examination because there is contradiction quietness and silence mean soundless conditions but onomatopoeia in itself is the sound symbolism. I showed following four points; Shinshin and Shinto derive from onomatopoeias of Chinese origin; Hissori derives from other Japanese words like Hisoka and Hisomu; Muttsuri is a mimetic word; Mokunen is an onomatopoeia of Chinese origin. Secondly I examined the coexistence and the change in the onomatopoeias of quietness and those of silence based on many examples seen in Edo, Meiji and Taisyo period. Shinshin limited the meaning. Shinto and Hissori have coexisted Shinto focused on soundless condition while Hissori focused on emptiness. Mokunen replaced with Muttsuri which expresses sedateness in manner besides silence in the middle Meiji period. I showed onomatopoeias of Chinese origin have two patterns through the detailed research. One is treated as Japanese onomatopoeia and the other is just a Japanese word of Chinese origin
